Do you live in Glenwood? Old St. Vital? Have you heard the big news?!? The new City of Winnipeg Off-leash Site-Selection Guidelines have been announced and that means that we can now move forward to establish new dog parks!! What does that mean for you? If you have been driving to Maple Grove because there is no off-leash area near you, you can help change that and get a new Neighbourhood size dog park. There is a group that is applying for a portion of King George V park (behind Superstore at St. Anne’s and Fermor) to be designated off-leash. They have a group on Facebook called Friends of King George V Off-Leash Dog Park – St Vital Here is the area they are applying for (blue lines are existing fencing, red lines are future fence). Application is being made by the groups organizer, Rene Bisson. You can join the Facebook group and keep informed of how you can help, or if you are not on Facebook just email
Memorial benches are popular at our dog park and we receive regular requests from park users regarding information about how they can be purchased. Check out this city brochure for details including cost. Also, contact us at if you are interested in a cost share arrangement where the city could provide multiple plaques on one bench for reduced cost sponsorship. We are happy to keep a list of people attracted to this new opportunity and help them connect if there turns out to be sufficient interest in a shared bench concept.
The Board would appreciate if questions or concerns regarding the financial statement are provided via email to before Wednesday, November 28th so that we can provide a complete response at the AGM on November 29th.
The 2018 Maple Grove Park Dog Owners’ Association Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be taking place on November 29th at Louis Riel Library, full details below. You can find the 2018 AGM agenda and the 2017 AGM Minutes here.
The Board would appreciate if questions or concerns regarding the financial statement are provided via email to before Wednesday, November 28th so that we can provide a complete response at the AGM on November 29th.
The Winnipeg Network of Dog Owner Groups has just released the results of its “I own a dog AND I vote!” poll of candidates. The off-leash area advocacy coalition’s survey was conducted between September 15 and 30.
WINDOG President, Donna Henry says the coalition awarded “super dog-friendly” status to four incumbents for their outstanding commitment to Winnipeg’s off-leash areas. They are Mayor Brian Bowman, North Kildonan Councillor Jeff Browaty, St. Vital Councillor Brian Mayes, Waverly West Councillor Janice Lukes, and former St. Charles Councillor, Grant Nordman.
And twenty-four more have earned ‘dog-friendly’ status, each pledging to improve the city’s limited and underfunded off-leash green space.
Dog-friendly candidates will support a Council motion to secure dedicated funding in the City’s capital budget to create new dog parks and upgrade existing ones. ‘Dog-friendlies’ also support designating off-leash areas as ‘single-use’ spaces where only activities associated with off-leash dogs are permitted. At the back of the pack, five ‘dog-unfriendlies’ are in the dog house.
Henry says there’s much greater awareness and support for off-leash dog parks than there was in the 2014 civic election campaign. She credits extensive public consultation during the development of Winnipeg’s new Off-leash Dog Park Master Plan over the past year for the change in attitudes but says the city still has a long way to go. When it comes to setting aside recreational green space for off-leash dog parks, Winnipeg lags behind every major city in Canada.
Want to know who the ‘dog-friendlies’ in your ward are or which mayoral candidates will offer the best support to dog parks? Candidate’s responses, their platform and bios are posted on WINDOG’s website – To check them out, clicking on Election 2018 and follow the links.
Forty percent of Winnipeg households have at least one dog.
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